* Reside or train with an authorized instructor member of BSANA in North America
* Hold at least a White Sash ranking from an instructor member of BSANA, (a practitioner may also hold a ranking from any authorized Buddhai Sawan affiliate, pending board review).

* Practitioners who have earned a rank of Red Sash or higher must maintain at least a basic membership to be in good standing.
* Proof of certification/ranking may be required.
* Dues must be paid 30 days from invoice.



per year

* Access to curriculum, membership documents and guidance.
* Invitation to the Annual General Meeting and exclusive BSANA events.
* Participation in the association – i.e., vote for Directors of the Board, stand to serve on the Board themselves (pending board eligibility requirements), join a committee, or host a BSANA event.
* Access to all BSANA members, Directors of the Board and the Ajahn Council via forums, direct communications.



per year

* Includes all benefits of Basic Membership
* 10% training discount on all BSANA hosted events.
* Access to on-demand videos that cover drills, dances (wai khru), demonstrations, curriculum and other membership documents.
* Access to on-demand videos of special events (summits, seminars, etc).